What we do

Whole Systems Strategic Planning uses emerging technology in organization development to “get the whole system in the room” to identify common ground, develop a shared understanding of current reality, envision a preferred future and plan joint action steps that will make that future possible.

These planning and change technologies are described in articles published by the consultants and in several books, including Real Time Strategic Change by Robert Jacobs and Future Search by Marvin Weisbord.

Dialogue Facilitation promotes the ability of individuals to:

  • listen effectively to others articulate their own perspective non-defensively, and
  • share knowledge in a way that invites alternative interpretations,

and the agility of groups to:

  • overcome “groupthink” or interpersonal conflict,
  • engage in real team learning, and
  • understand the dynamics of seeming polarities or conflicting paradigms

Communication Strategies, to be successful, have always required attention to multiple learning styles, media and channels. In addition, today’s high tech environment and new organizational structures require new skills and approaches facilitation of real and simulated face-to-face interaction to promote collaboration.

Conflict Resolution, through discernment, dialogue and other alternative dispute resolution processes, helps people to discover common ground and new alternatives.

Organizational Development and group process technologies that engage cross-functional teams and focus groups in the early stages of a change initiative (e.g., in strategy/policy development or work redesign) accelerate organizational understanding, support and commitment to new ways of doing business.

Learning Curriculums are custom designed for unique organizational needs and cultures. Curriculums are all related to organizational development and change and include team skills, TQM Tools and methods, communication skills, and polarity management.